两度產后都光速恢復身材的昆凌,之前为新作品剪去性感长髮,没想到人正真好,剪了短髮的天王嫂依然俏丽有型,昨(4/19)她贴出自己的短髮侧面照,旁边还放上对照组,是好莱坞新生代红星莉莉柯林斯,两人同样短髮、同角度、甚至照片同色调,被说长得好像,昆凌也笑称:Lucky to look like such a pretty girl today(很开心今天被说跟这超级漂亮女孩长得像)。
Queen Kun Ling was married in 2015 by the grand wedding of the Castle Princess wind. Jay Chou, who was married to the music world, had a pair of children "little week" and "Romeo" after marriage. At the same time, she was also able to bring about the show, endorsement, and drama. At the age of 24, she was called love and career two, even the figure all recovered super. Well, yesterday, she put up a composite photo, which means that many people said she bumped into the face of Hollywood, and was caught by her husband Jay Chou.
After Jay Chou's marriage, he was often exposed to love.
After two hours of postpartum light speed recovery of the body of Kun Ling, before the new works cut off sexy long hair, did not think that people are really good, cut the short hair of the sister-in-law is still beautiful, 4/19 she posted her own short hair side photos, next to the control group, the Hollywood NEW generation Red Star Lili Collins, the two same short hair, the same angle Degrees, even photos and hue, is said to look like, Kun Ling also laughs: Lucky to look like such a pretty girl today (very happy today is said to be like the super beautiful girl like this).